
saudi people under poverty on the capital_riyadh

Riyadh is a true oasis in the Saudi Arabian desert brimming with culture, history, exquisite architecture and an exotic feel and opulence that is bound to enchant just about any visitor. Modern Riyadh has retained its ancient heritage and business travellers can revel in the many shopping and sight-seeing opportunities this city has to offer.
Riyadh appeals mostly to businessmen and also visitors with a keen interest in ancient civilizations, ruins and Saudi Arabian kingdoms. Shopaholics will also have a field day in this city with out-of-this-world-shopping opportunities in the Kingdom Centre, which houses a state-of-the art three-level shopping mall with more than 160 stores, amongst many other things.

and in these pictures we try to show the poor side od riyadh. this is also the level of living in riyadh